This is the largest work I've done. It was a witnessing of the parts of a woman that felt extraordinarily ancient and magic. A painting of the ethers, the ancient parts, and the starlight in between. Wild and fierce and ethereal.
Dimensions: 54"Wx 72"H
Medium: acrylic, raw pigment, canvas
This original AMIEL work has SOLD prints are available
A portrait of saltwater and sunlight. A woman on the edge of dissolving into the space beyond this life, purified by the journey of illness to her absolute essence within.
Dimensions: 48"Wx 74"H
Medium: acrylic, canvas
This original AMIEL work has SOLD prints are available
A woman erupting into herself, then softening, blooming and finding the silence and emptiness that gave access to all that lay within.
Dimensions: 36"Wx 54"H
Medium: acrylic, colored pencil, water color, canvas
This original AMIEL work has SOLD prints are available
Originally intended to be a commission, this one quickly took on a life of it’s own and it soon became clear that some other divine thing was coming through and having itself painted. Months of painstaking hand embroidery later she emerged, a wild sacred thing. Unlike anything I had created before. Discovered along the way that woman it originated from was writing a book on the Feminine Divine, and that ‘red thread’ has been referenced in spiritual texts for centuries…
‘Ten days in this temple and my mind is reeling!
Between my legs the red thread stretches and stretches.
If you come some other day and ask for me,
Better look in a fish stall, a sake shop, or a brothel.’
-15th century Japanese Zen Buddhist Master Ikkyu Sojun
And the exploration and joy of color itself.
A painting assisted by children and began with enthusiastic abandon. An enormous and bright reminder to breathe deep and live fully.
Dimensions: 84"Wx 60"H
Medium: acrylic, dye, canvas
Prints and original work available for purchase
A portrait of raw indigo, salt, and gold. A journey into the elemental, ancient essence of a wondrous woman with pivotal memories in Africa. Evolving, growing, dissolving again.
Dimensions: 48" x 36"
Medium: indigo dye, salt, 23k gold
This original AMIEL work has SOLD prints are available
A dance with the angels. A journey of one woman letting go and healing from babies lost and babies let go of. Sweet things, girlie things, gold, and layers. A weight lifted and a forgiveness given.
Dimensions: 24"Wx 34"H
Medium: acrylic, gold leaf, ink, canvas
This original AMIEL work has SOLD prints are available
This painting felt like a wild experiment. I poured washes, used raw pigments, let it bleed and bloom, all in ways that were a surprising departure from my usual style and approach. When the frenzy settled and I sat back it all made perfect sense. The woman witnessed here was in a time of radical change and experimentation. She had just stepped into a new chapter and while she was trying new things, part of her still bled for the life she left. While she struggled with the grit and texture of her new life, she bloomed and adapted.
Dimensions: 44"Wx 54"H
Medium: acrylic, raw pigment, canvas
This original AMIEL work has SOLD prints are available
This one was layers and layers of magic. Painted over the course of about 12 highly significant months in the subject's life. As she got dark the painting got dark, as she cleared and brightened so did the painting. Gold coins emerged one night, and the next day the subject received $8k out of the blue. This one's about the journey and the process and the layers of self. Also about the inexplicable connection of things and the miracles possible.
Dimensions: 60"H x 52"W
Medium: acrylic, gold leaf, indigo dye, salt, and ink on canvas
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Grief and stillness and the universe that lies within. The learning that not all dark is badness, that some dark is nourishment… is quiet. A quiet night in which to rest your ragged soul, a balm for hot edges. Layers of ink and gold and detail and color quieted in a final splash of cool night ink. Peace.
Dimensions: 48"H x 36"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, canvas
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Oh this one... This one was transformative. A dance with opulence, healing, and the sweet relief of resolution with the feeling of being 'too much'. Highly detailed and multi layered with many many layers of gold leaf. This one witnessed a woman in a time of celebration and evolving self acceptance. Read more here.
Dimensions: 54"H x 44"W
Medium: acrylic, gold leaf, marker, canvas
This original Ranier AMIEL work is available for purchase
Wild blackness wrapped around a seed. The cute and pretty emerged. They battled and evolved into an elegant harmony. Witness to a many layered being and her evolution.
Dimensions: 44"H x 34"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, raw pigment, canvas
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available
She started prim, proper and pretty. A stark white background, with gold dots. That's where I got stuck. A few months later I was suddenly drawn back to her. She developed wild layers and complex intricacies. Unbeknownst to me, across the country, at the same time, the model had undertaken an inner challenge about outrageousness, showing up, and being seen. As she developed and bloomed, so did the painting. Ultimately becoming a painting about unfolding, softening, being seen, and femininity.
Dimensions: 44"Wx 54"H
Medium: acrylic and ink on canvas
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Luxury, orchids, and deeply connected sensuality. An easy elegance that poured out with freedom.
Dimensions: 33"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic and canvas
This original Ranier AMIEL has sold.
A glorious coronation. Ancient wings unfurling. The dark soaked in, sticky and wet, and taught us both something about where the gold can be found…
Dimensions: 54"H x 36"W
Medium: Japanese ink, pen, 23k gold, canvas
This original AMIEL work is SOLD
An enormous, multi-layered, highly textural exploration into a woman in healing. This was a portrait but also a visceral journey through the historic cellular memory of women throughout time, the result, a living sanctuary for those in need.
Dimensions: 96"H x 54"W
Medium: acrylic, raw pigment, gold leaf, ink, salt, ash, canvas
This original Ranier AMIEL work is available for purchase
She came in for her Witnessing and said nothing of her past. You waded in but felt lost. As the time wound down, you told her as much, told her you felt something missing, that you were unable to find the thread to paint from. She tossed out casually that, you know, she had been raped three times, and molested since age 6… I asked her to come back tomorrow. This time I stretched her a big canvas and let her write. Get your fucking hands off me she wrote. I am worthy of love she declared. On and on until the canvas was covered. As I cleared and reclaimed these statements with stroke upon stroke of white we worked together on what she was letting go of and who she was becoming. From this arable base the painting came out fast and hard. Glaring, chaotic, and strong. Don’t fuck with me, the painting declared. I will be a victim no longer. Read more HERE.
Dimensions: 60"H x 43"W
Medium: Oil, pencil, and canvas
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available
I got to see with this painting how a person's true essence knows no gender or physical limitation or boundary, and how ultimately this project is about people more than anything else-- who we are at our core. Most of all, how self acceptance and deep self-reverence are life changing and healing acts of activism and unspeakably powerful and needed. Read more here.
Dimensions: 44"Wx 54"H
Medium: acrylic, raw pigment, canvas
This original AMIEL work has sold.
I went to paint her darkness and it came out so pretty, but my hands were inexplicably covered in black when I finished. A second painting emerged later, crawling with hidden crayfish, chunks of spine, and surrounded in seed pods. Her crow and her pretty. Both. Side on side. A woman witnessed in her aspects.
Dimensions: 44"Wx 54"H (double sided)
Medium: Acrylic, ink, 23k gold, salt, pencil, canvas
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available
Floods of arousal,
feathers on their quill
puffing up and then blowing apart
such is the delicacy therein.
A woman forming, fragmenting, and reforming again and again. Finding herself while on her search for the Beloved.
Dimensions: 48"H x 36"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, canvas
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
The painting was physically uncomfortable to paint but ultimately soothing. It started out with the white lines that made me feel like her pussy was bound or sewn shut. Ugh. Then some sweet pink and then I started with a gold marker that ended up looking like a boot print, like she had been stomped on. Yikes. I had to take a break. In the end it ended up being a ethereal cosmic thing, and the process, almost literally transcribing her story. Read more here
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available
Fish bones and sea salt
a woman dances in the wind on the shore
An ancient thing, so strong within
anemones and wisdom
chaos and carefully articulated order.
The pink flush of life
in an ancient joyous talisman of a woman.
Dimensions: 48"H x 36"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, salt, canvas
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Part rock and roll, part warm and golden, this painting witnessed a woman in a moment of straining against the ties that bind; a woman whose cage ultimately became her wings. Read her story.
Dimensions: 44"Wx 54"H
Medium: acrylic, water color, paper
This original AMIEL work has sold.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original Ranier AMIEL work is available for purchase.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work has sold.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is SOLD, prints available.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work has SOLD, prints available upon request
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is available for purchase
Layers and layers, bursting soft, sensuous, bound. Down almost entirely in office supplies this work tracked a powerful woman’s journal through a corporate transition and the ownership of self she fought along the way.
Dimensions: 60"Wx 52"H
Medium: canvas, ball point pen, gold pigment, watercolor
This original AMIEL work is available for sale. Inquire for purchase HERE.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original Ranier AMIEL work has sold. Prints available.
Witnessing Sketches are one of a kind original art works done on heavy 300# watercolor paper. They are started during the live 'witnessing' sessions that precede all the larger paintings and are part of how I start to get to know and explore the woman I am working with.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work has sold.
Held in her friend’s arms she wrote her story. Line by line by line. We will burn this at the end, I told her. This is for you, don’t worry. Ash are generations of shame and abuse and hard history. She breathed. I painted. In the end, through no conscious effort on either of our parts, the matte pastel had covered up the parts of the story she wanted to release, and the transparent paint allowed through the parts she wanted seen. Wild magic for us both.
Dimensions: 30"H x 22.5"W
Medium: oil pastel, acrylic, ink, watercolor paper
This original AMIEL work is not available for purchase