She came in for her Witnessing and said nothing of her past. You waded in but felt lost. As the time wound down, you told her as much, told her you felt something missing, that you were unable to find the thread to paint from. She tossed out casually that, you know, she had been raped three times, and molested since age 6… I asked her to come back tomorrow. This time I stretched her a big canvas and let her write. Get your fucking hands off me she wrote. I am worthy of love she declared. On and on until the canvas was covered. As I cleared and reclaimed these statements with stroke upon stroke of white we worked together on what she was letting go of and who she was becoming. From this arable base the painting came out fast and hard. Glaring, chaotic, and strong. Don’t fuck with me, the painting declared. I will be a victim no longer. Read more HERE.
Dimensions: 60"H x 43"W
Medium: Oil, pencil, and canvas
This original AMIEL work has sold, prints available